Dynamic and Challenging Group Supervision.

Hilla brings over three decades of group and one-one-one experience to the practice of clinical supervision. Her focus is on helping the therapist become the most complete professional they can be. As each group member brings up a case or question related to clinical matters they’re experiencing, it is explored together. Most come out of meetings with increased confidence and knowledge, and a refreshed outlook ready to meet greater challenges.


Supervision & Consultation For Group Therapists 

No One Way to Provide Therapy

Hilla believes the best therapists draw from their own personal nature and professional skills. She teaches them how to be true to themselves, to integrate their training, knowledge, values and life experiences into their work. To think like a fully-formed therapist, not just as a product of one’s training or “the orthodoxy.

The Psychodynamic Approach

Hilla works with new-to-practice and seasoned therapists interested in studying the psychodynamic approach, and with those seeking new expertise in the practice of psychodynamic, group and trauma-based therapies.

Weekly Group Supervision

Group supervision provides an opportunity for the therapist to use the power of the group process to learn and grow as a therapist and as a person. It is a closed group, which means participants must sign up and make a commitment to participate on a weekly basis. This forum is especially recommended for therapists who are leading groups or wish to start a group.

“The therapist may rush to conclusions, driven by the compulsion to fix the symptoms, preventing the client from inhabiting the therapy process.”


Explore Professional Development

Hilla is offering a new series of continuing education classes for all levels of therapist. These include:

  • Ongoing Monthly Group Supervision Meetings (up to six participants per group)
  • Group Process for Group Facilitators (up to 15 participants per group)
  • Training for Supervisors and Future Supervisors 
  • Ongoing Classes on Various Topics for Therapists (up to 15 participants per group)